Alternatives in Cyprus
This section is so that all you wonderful crazy people have access to the things that can help us help ourselves.. Alternative practitioners, Astrologers, Masseurs, herbalists, healers etc, etc.
When I first came to Cyprus over 30 years ago, there was very little in the way of Alternative anything ! But now that the younger generation has taken an interest, things are beginning to boom. The Church still frowns upon such activities, but they may notice soon that "There is nothing new" in the precepts of the "New age Paths" and they all seem to agree with the concepts of "Thought", "Love", "Harmony" and "Light".
This section is also including some new thinking to posit possible explanations for some new phenomena.
Most people are not interested in upsetting the apple cart of their current view of the world, but for those who want to try and understand a bigger/different picture, there are some interesting things here to begin the process:
After a reappraisal of the mainstream media recently I have come to the conclusion that they lie, mislead and generally do the bidding of their masters, so are no longer news, they are only propaganda.Follow the links below
The Magus of StrovolosYoga
Order Wholefood and Organic vegetables in Cyprus onlineWe now have access to fresh organic and free range farmed eggs and chickens.
Weekly Astrological Predictions
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